
What has Lambeth to say about Paddick? Latest comments.

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Latest News and Events

Paddick speaks out (31 December)

In an interview with American website BBS News, Brian Paddick reflects on his own treatment and policing policy (interview).

Paddick voted “Greatest South Londoner”  (13 December)

In a telephone poll run by the South London Press, Brian Paddick has been voted “Greatest South Londoner” (Report)

Paddick moves on (6 December)

Brian Paddick today released a statement accepting that he will not be returning to Lambeth (details here)

Councillors call for Paddick’s return

The Labour Group on Lambeth Borough Council tabled a motion at the Council’s December meeting, asking for the Chief Executive to write to the Commisioner asking for Commander Paddick’s reinstatement.

The guillotine fell before the motion was discussed or voted on.

Details here.

Latest (History)

Public meeting lambasts Sir John and Lord Toby

At a public meeting in Brixton (24 October), community figures praised Brian Paddick’s policing style in the borough and demanded his return (Streatham Guardian Report, South London Press Report )

Correspondence with MPA

The public meeting on 24 October sent a letter to the MPA, calling for the retention of the rank of Commander in Lambeth and the return of Brian Paddick.

You can follow the resulting correspondence here.

Letter from meeting to MPA (24 Oct);

Lord Harris’ (Chair of MPA) response (14 Nov);

lambeth4paddick response to Lord Harris (24 Nov)

Lord Harris’ response, 10 December



Paddick Time Line

A policeman for our community

Unprecedented support

Say No to bullies, put Paddick back

Street crime down, drug arrests up

Hundreds pledge support at Lambeth Show

The Cannabis Trial